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Robot Operations Framework

Robot Operations Framework

The Initial Proof of Concept

Finding use cases

This sounds really simple but it is an important part of the project and can be a huge catalyzer or a pitfall for the PoC. What are the criteria for a suitable use case? For the first PoC you should find a solid balance between a) a viable case that can deliver insights and has the throughput to solidly test everything but b) are not that mission critical that if something went wrong you lose money or the backing from your stakeholders. Find a process that can bring you all the learnings you want to generate from the PoC.

Repetitive transport cases are often the ones that offer a suitable project case for the first proof of concept. Also employing a cleaning or disinfection robot that can work besides everyone else could be a good option for the first tests.

Your Checklist for finding suitable use cases (UC)

  • Go through the warehouse and create a long list of possible use cases
  • Create the short list of use cases based on your criterias (for instance)
    • Is important enough but not mission critical
    • Is viable enough to deliver solid insights
    • Contains of repetitive work that provides a good entry point for a test
Contact our robot experts!

WAKU Robotics supports you in choosing the right robot for your application. We take care of the procurement of the robots as well as the on-site test. Our WAKU Platform software helps you to operate the robots across manufacturers and to analyze the processes.

Contact WAKU